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Free Ebook , by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

Free Ebook , by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

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, by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

, by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

, by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

Free Ebook , by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

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, by Joel Goldman Lisa Klink

Product details

File Size: 528 KB

Print Length: 308 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Character Flaw Press; 2 edition (December 29, 2017)

Publication Date: December 29, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#25,887 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Cassie Ireland and Jake Carter have the same objective but totally different reasons to take down Alan Kendrick, an unscrupulous billionaire hedge fund manager. Cassie is a bit of a modern-day Robyn Hood recovering assets from people who think they are above the law. Carter is a high-rolling gambler who travels the world trying to win fortunes off mega-rich but less skillful gamblers.Cassie plans to be a cat-burglar and overcome Kendrick's extreme security system using information obtained by befriending his disenchanted wife. Carter has got to know Kendrick around the poker table, winning some and losing some and is patiently waiting for the opportunity to pounce and use his skills take him out for megabucks.Cassie and Jake just happen to live in the same exclusive apartment block where Kendrick owns the penthouse. Things fizzle when they meet but they don't spark because it would spoil their individual plays with Kendrick. Cassie gets in first and the feathers start to fly and Kendrick plans his revenge.While waiting for the big coup with Kendrick, Jake defeats and humiliates Theo Kalogrides, another mega-rich gambler who is "blessed with his father's money but none of his brains or charm". Theo accuses Jake of cheating. While this is a normal risk for Jake the loser is a dangerous man, verging on the psychotic, who will not give in until he recovers the money he has lost.This is a fast moving romp through the world of the mega-rich and international poker on the high seas with the strange pair working together and against one another to protect their lives.Joel Goldman & Lisa Klink have collaborated seamlessly in producing a fast paced, easily readible escapist thriller. Well done - highly recommended to those looking for something fairly light, different and enjoyable. 4.5 stars.

Pretty standard action / adventure yarn . . . stereotypical / one dimensional characters, action (some believable, some not), decent pace, kept my interest until the end. I would have given another star if not for some noticeable editing mistakes, particularly in the latter half of the book where entire words are missing. I was also hoping that the strong female lead would actually be a strong female lead which happened occasionally but was offset too often by moments where the complete novice character saves the day because of his natural abilities as a heroic man. Also don't prefer the tired cliche in literature / movies where male lead characters get to be obnoxiously persistent in order to break down any woman's defenses, no matter how many times or how often she expresses disinterest.

What a great ride this book is! The hint of romance between Cassie andJake is mixed with lots of tension and anger between them as a thief and a gambler ultimately join to beat the bad guys. High stakes asset recovery gets Cassie in trouble with a billionaire hedge fund manager. High stakes poker puts Jake at odds wth a psychopathic bad loser. The chases keep the book moving and then then both groups of bad guys come after Jake and Cassie on the world's largest cruise ship.My biggest criticism was the poor proofreading that made me stop to find out what word was missing in order to make sense in the sentence. However, the plot was so strong that it was pretty easy to figure out. Hopefully, that will be remedied in the next book, which I have already pre-ordered.

This could have been a 5-star rating. Except for two points: 1) There were too many loose threads left hanging in the storyline, and 2) The text abounded with missing words, especially the name officials the ship for the last half of the book. I realize that this was co-authored, and it's obvious that the second author didn't have the name when that part was being written. But not going back and including it was totally a rush to publication amd inexcusable. A simple proofing would have taken care offering these missing words and ship's name. Or rather, the lack thereof. As far as the missing pieces being tied up, just poorly coordinated writing or the desire to get the second book in print and sold. This was such a shame, because this book had one of the best character developments of any I have read for a long time. The storyline moved well, and the plot was fantastic. Other than the missing tie ups at the ending, I couldn't have asked for a more enjoyable book.

I really enjoyed the book and would have given it 4 stars except for the many grammatical errors in this book. I don't know who edited the book, but they should be fired. I have read other people's reports about this, but I guess I have been lucky as this is the first time I have read a book with so many mistakes. e.g. Instead of using the name of the ship, several times there was a question mark (?). I got it, but was offended by the lack of pride in the work of two supposedly well known distinguished authors.However, the book was entertaining, a fast, fun read with several surprises. Although a little far fetched, it was fun to read about the female lead in the book and how accomplished she was in everything she did. Worth the read if you can live with the horrible editing. I would also suggest the two authors take a little more pride in what they publish. I am sure its hard enough to write a book and then have it ruined by shoddy editing.

I totally enjoyed this book. It’s got two very likable protagonists, some really bad guys & gal, witty bantering, an engaging story, and a great ending.One protagonist is a male, white, never shot a gun, poker champ. The other is a female, black, highly skilled, asset recovery expert and azz-kicker. For different reasons, they each attempt to relieve a wealthy hedge fund manager of some of his assets and soon find their paths cross as they try to outwit the bad guys. The tone is mostly light, though there are a few serious moments because some serious crime occurs.There’s a bit of violence (not hugely graphic), no sex, and a few eff type of words. All part of a good, fun story that stretches from Buenos Aires to Casablanca.

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